
extension RawRepresentable where Self: ValueResolvable, RawValue: ValueResolvable
extension RawRepresentable where Self: InputResolvable, RawValue: InputResolvable
extension RawRepresentable where RawValue: GraphQLScalar, Self: GraphQLScalar

Conditional Conformance

All raw representables of values that can be translated to a GraphQL Value, can themselves be translated to a GraphQL Value

Available where Self: ValueResolvable, RawValue: ValueResolvable

  • Warning

    default implementation from GraphZahl. Do not override unless you know exactly what you are doing.



    public func map() throws -> Map

Available where Self: InputResolvable, RawValue: InputResolvable

  • Warning

    default implementation from GraphZahl. Do not override unless you know exactly what you are doing.



    public static func create(from map: Map) throws -> Self

Available where RawValue: GraphQLScalar, Self: GraphQLScalar