
The following protocols are available globally.

  • GraphQLInputObject

    A GraphQL Input Object is a Struct that can be used as an input for a method.


    If want to provide an API for sorting search results. We can create a struct for those options.

    enum Order: String, CaseIterable, GraphQLEnum {
       case ascending
       case descending
    struct SortOptions: GraphQLInputType {
       let field: KeyPath<SearchResult, Int>
       let order: Order
    class Query: QueryType {
       func search(term: String, sortOptions: SortOptions?) -> [SearchResult] {


    Input types can be useful to group arguments. We can also use them to group arguments that should always be provided together. Like in our search example, we don’t need the user to specify how to sort. But when the user wants the Results sorted by a field, we need to know if they should be sorted in an ascending or descending order. That’s why the Input Object makes sense in this scenario.


    • A GraphQL Input Object is Input Resolvable and can be used in any method that should be available in GraphQL
    • An Input Object has to be a struct. If it’s not a struct, an error will be thrown.
    • All the properties in the struct have to be Input Resolvable as well. Otherwise an error will be thrown.
    See more



    public protocol GraphQLInputObject : ConcreteResolvable, InputResolvable, KeyPathListable, ValueResolvable
  • Attention

    this is a low level API. Do not use this directly unless you know what you’re doing.


    Input Resolvable describes an Object that can be used as an Argument to a GraphQL Field.

    It means that for a method to be available in GraphQL, all the arguments have to conform to InputResolvable

    Input Resolvable Types are:

    • Scalars
    • Enums
    • Input Objects
    • Optionals and Arrays through Conditional Conformance
    See more



    public protocol InputResolvable : Resolvable
  • Undocumented

    See more



    public protocol DelegatedOutputResolvable : OutputResolvable
  • ConnectionProtocol

    Describes an Object used for Cursor-Based Pagination. This API is modeled after standards set by Relay and GraphQL.

    It relies on the usage of the arguments: first, after, last and before.

    • first: Number of items that will be fetched at the start of the list
    • after: Cursor of the last element in the page that comes before. Signals that all items in the requested page should be strictly after the element with that cursor. The element with the cursor should be excluded
    • last: Number of items that will be fetched at the end of the list
    • before: Cursor of the first element in the page that comes after. Signals that all items in the requested page should be strictly before the element with that cursor. The element with the cursor should be excluded


    This is a bare bones implementation of Paging, and is not particularly efficient.

    If you notice that your methods are all sharing a lot of logic together, perhaps you should take a look at ContextBasedConnection insttead.

    See more



    public protocol ConnectionProtocol : ConcreteResolvable, OutputResolvable
  • ContextBasedConnection

    Describes an Object used for Cursor-Based Pagination. This API is modeled after standards set by Relay and GraphQL.

    It relies on the usage of the arguments: first, after, last and before.

    • first: Number of items that will be fetched at the start of the list
    • after: Cursor of the last element in the page that comes before. Signals that all items in the requested page should be strictly after the element with that cursor. The element with the cursor should be excluded
    • last: Number of items that will be fetched at the end of the list
    • before: Cursor of the first element in the page that comes after. Signals that all items in the requested page should be strictly before the element with that cursor. The element with the cursor should be excluded


    This is very similar to ConnectionProtocol.

    ContextBasedConnection describes the same functionality of ConnectionProtocolbut attemps to compute certain context information about a page only once.

    A type implementing this protocol will first compute a context object that the other methods can use, instead of the raw arguments first, after, last and before. It is intended for scenarios where totalCount, pageInfo and edges all rely on very similar information.

    See more



    public protocol ContextBasedConnection : ConcreteResolvable, OutputResolvable
  • EdgeProtocol

    Describes an Edge during Paging. An Edge contains the Node that is the value, the cursor of that value, and any additional information.


    An Edge is OutputResolvable. Any implementations of it, should be including the node and the cursor in the output. It is best if you delegate the implementation of OutputResolvable to GraphQLObject instead.

    See more



    public protocol EdgeProtocol : OutputResolvable
  • Undocumented

    See more



    public protocol FixedPageSizeIndexedConnection : IndexedConnection
  • Undocumented

    See more



    public protocol IndexCursorTranslator
  • Undocumented

    See more



    public protocol IndexedConnection : ConcreteResolvable, OutputResolvable
  • GraphQLObject

    A GraphQL Object is a Class that can be used as an output in GraphQL.

    It behaves as follows:

    • All properties of types that are OutputResolvable (can be outputs in GraphQL) will be added to the Schema.
    • All methods where all arguments are of types that are InputResolvable (can be inputs in GraphQL) and the return type is OutputResolvable (can be outputs in GraphQL) will be added to the Schema.


    If we are implementing a Todo App, a Todo and User in our API would be two classes:

    class Author: GraphQLObject {
       var name: String
       func store() { ... }
       func todos() -> [Todo] { ... }
    class Todo: GraphQLObject {
       var title: String
       var completed: Bool
       func store() { ... }
       func author() -> User { ... }

    The previous code would then be exported to GraphQL like so:

    type User {
       name: String!
       todos: [Todo!]!
    type Todo {
       title: String!
       completed: Boolean!
       author: User!

    As can be seen in the example:

    • All the properties are scalar values that can be outputs in GraphQL.
    • All the properties are included.
    • And all the functions that return GraphQL Values are also included
    • The store functions return Void, which is not a GraphQL Output. These methods are therefore not included.
    See more



    public protocol GraphQLObject : AnyObject, ConcreteResolvable, KeyPathListable, OutputResolvable
  • Undocumented

    See more



    public protocol Node : GraphQLObject
  • Attention

    this is a low level API. Do not use this directly unless you know what you’re doing.


    Output Resolvable describes an Object that can be used as an Output in GraphQL.

    It means that for a method or property to be available in GraphQL, all the output has to conform to OutputResolvable

    Output Resolvable Types are:

    • Scalars
    • Enums
    • Objects
    • Root Types
    • Optionals, Futures and Arrays through Conditional Conformance
    See more



    public protocol OutputResolvable : Resolvable
  • Concrete Resolvable

    A Resolvable that is required to have a type name

    See more



    public protocol ConcreteResolvable : Resolvable
  • Key Path Listable

    A type whose Key Paths can be used in GraphQL



    public protocol KeyPathListable
  • Resolvable

    A Type with a possible type name that will be used in GraphQL

    See more



    public protocol Resolvable
  • Value Resolvable

    A type that can be turned into a GraphQL Value. Generally used to convert default values into something that can be added to the Schema

    See more



    public protocol ValueResolvable : Resolvable
  • GraphQL Root Type

    An GraphQL Object that is at the Root of a Schema. Can either be a Query Type or a Mutation Type

    The only additional requirement for a GraphQLType is that it can be initialized with a ViewerContext. The ViewerContext in this scenario refers to a Context Object, that tells the Query/Mutation Type what it needs to know about the User who is requesting the data.


    If we are building a Todo App and want allow users to request their Todos. We can use the User as a ViewerContext

    class Query: GraphQLRootType {
       let user: User
       func myTodos() -> [Todo] { ... }
       init(viewerContext user: User) {
           self.user = user

    This is then translated into:

    type Query {
       myTodos: [Todo!]!
    See more



    public protocol GraphQLRootType : GraphQLObject
  • GraphQL Schema

    A GraphQL Schema describes the entire API that is available. It’s basically only a name space for your Query and Mutation Types.

    Your Query and Mutation Types have to be Root Types with the same Viewer Context.

    • A Query Type is mandatory.
    • A Mutation Type is optional.


    If you only want to offer a Query Type, you only need to implement that class:

    enum MySchema {
       class Query: QueryType {
           func greeting(name: String = "World") -> String {
               return "Hello, \(name)!"
           init(viewerContext: ()) { ... }

    that gets translated to the following schema:

    type Query {
       greeting(name: String! = "World"): String!

    Alternatively you can also specify a Mutation Type:

    enum MySchema {
       class Query: QueryType {
           func greeting(name: String = "World") -> String {
               return "Hello, \(name)!"
           init(viewerContext: ()) { ... }
       class Mutation: MutationType {
           func store(status: String) -> String { ... }
           init(viewerContext: ()) { ... }

    Which would generate this Schema:

    type Query {
       greeting(name: String! = "World"): String!
    type Mutation {
       store(status: String!): String!

    If your types need to have a context for the current user, they need to use the exact same ViewerContext:

    enum MySchema {
       typealias ViewerContext = User
       class Query: QueryType {
           let user: User
           var greeting: String {
               return "Hello, \(!"
           init(viewerContext: User) { ... }
       class Mutation: MutationType {
           let user: User
           func store(status: String) -> String { ... }
           init(viewerContext: User) { ... }
    See more



    public protocol GraphQLSchema
  • Mandatory Root Type

    An GraphQL Root Type that has the additional requirement of being mandatory. For example for Query Types.



    public protocol MandatoryRootType : GraphQLRootType
  • Undocumented

    See more



    public protocol GraphQLEnum : ConcreteResolvable, InputResolvable, OutputResolvable, ValueResolvable
  • Undocumented

    See more


  • Undocumented

    See more



    public protocol GraphQLUnion : ConcreteResolvable, OutputResolvable